It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

DIY Cable Wraps That Actually FIT Around Your Cables

Store bought cable wraps are ok but the problem I run into is that they often don’t fit around a lot of the cables we need to wrap.

You can easily make your own cable wraps with a few simple items and tools.  I would recommend making a bunch of these once you get out your supplies because they are easy enough to make and always good to have extras around.

Here is what you will need:

  1. Narrow pipe (1″ diameter or less is ideal)
  2. Bungie cord
  3. Lighter
  4. Drill

Here is how you do it:

  1. Using a table or hand saw, trim the pipe down to 2″ segments
  2. Sand down the edges to make them smooth
  3. Measure the segment and mark it into thirds with a sharpie
  4. Drill a hole at each mark.  Make sure the hole is big enough for the bungie cord to fit through (but not so wide that you cannot secure the bungie in it)
  5. Trim the bungie and pass it over a lighter to prevent fraying
  6. Pass the bungie through one of the holes and tie a knot to prevent it from sliding back out
  7. Use your cable to estimate how much cord you will need, then put the bungie through the other hole and tie a knot to secure it.
  8. Use a lighter to seal off the other end of the bungie.
  9. To secure it on the cable, simple pull the loose end of the bungie over the pipe

That’s it!  If you have any great cable management hacks, let us know about them!

To see the video tutorial, watch here:

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