It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

DIY Sparkle Geode Crystals-Best DIY Craft EVER

To make your DIY sparkle geode crystals, you will need…



  1. Knead the polymer clay to soften it up and then form little bowl shapes with it. You can blend the colors for a marbled look.  The size of the bowls is your choice just keep in mind you will be submerging the whole thing in your food coloring mixture so don’t make them too big.
  2. Bake the bowls per the directions on your clay
  3. After they are completely cooled, using your foam brush, apply a liberal amount of craft glue to the inside of the bowls.
  4. Cover the inside of the bowls with a coating of alum powder, adding it in and shaking it out till it is fully coated.  Let dry completely.
  5. Make a mixture of 1/2 cup of alum powder, 1 cup of hot water, blend completely and then 10-20 drops of food coloring.
  6. Submerge the polymer clay bowls in the mixture and let sit overnight.
  7. Check out how it has all crystalized the next day!!  BEAUTIFUL!!!

Click through to see a how-to video that will give you even more deets!

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  1. Deb Beneman says:

    Where do you get the alum???

  2. Amy Maguire says:

    You could find it at grocery stores (w/spices) or somewhere that sells canning supplies. The type she uses in the video is on amazon. You can also order it in larger packs there.

  3. Deb Beneman says:

    That’s great, Thank You.

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