It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

The Simplest Way To Dismantle a Pallet With No Tools and No Splitting

Pallet furniture is awesome!  There is so much you can make with reclaimed pallet wood!

No matter what you decide to make with your pallets, the first step will always be the same – dismantling them. On every pallet furniture you have ever liked, you will notice the same thing – the wood isn’t split.


[VIDEO] 45 Killer DIY Pallet Furniture Ideas

There are different ways to go about dismantling it.  The traditional way that most use with a crow bar and mallet can cause splitting of some of the boards and can be very time consuming to get the boards loose from each other.

This video shows a different, MUCH better way.

Click here to watch the video:

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  1. That takes to much time and mucked !!! For me , it’s much easier to use a crowbar and hammer!! Haven’t ruin any yet !!

  2. Amy Lee says:

    I think I got stupider watching them

  3. The potential for injury makes this such a bad idea

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