It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

10 Completely Unique Beach Activities That Will Blow Your Mind!

4.  Make Plaster of Paris sand prints

This project is so incredibly cool!  The beach is a perfect place to make something so messy and so memorable.  Be forewarned, every kid at the beach will want to do this so be sure to bring lots of supplies. Find out how here.



5.  Make sand candles

Who knew you could make something like this?  These dramatic candles are beyond cool and you can learn how to make them here.  I mean, who wouldn’t want to come home from the beach with a souvenir like this!



6.  Play beach tic-tac-toe

OK, so how is it that I have never done this??



7.  Make a sand volcano

This is just amazing.  Throw some baking soda and vinegar in your beach bag and let the kids have at it!  With this beach science experiment the kids will definitely get their mess-on but you will leave no dirty mess behind on the sand.  I am ALL for messes that don’t have to be cleaned up and this is one of the best I have seen.  Get the deets here.

sand 10


Click through for 3 more great beach ideas…

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