It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

10 Amazing and QUICK Home Hacks You’ve Never Seen

3. Use a paper towel holder to store your bracelets

You can buy this exact one for under $105. It is nice because it hangs over a door. If you don’t like that idea, there are PLENTY that take just one screw to mount in a wall or cabinet.


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  1. Joan Alicea says:

    thought of you and your DIY meow skills (i loved #9) Philip

  2. Teresa Freeman Barnhill

  3. Do not cover your thermostat with a painting. This increases the ‘warmth’ around the tstat which will overwork your air conditioning and under work your furnace. Furthermore, watch the positioning of other heat generators: lamps, appliances, tv, space heaters. Agreed, tstats aren’t pretty but they need to be exposed to function properly for efficient HVAC operations.

  4. Pamela Beth says:

    I still iron…all of husbands jeans and khaki shirts.

  5. who else really loves this

  6. Phoebe Thompson Woods Bell, I like the wine rack towel holder. What do you think?

  7. Kaye May says:

    Some good ideas. Kristen

  8. Kaye May says:

    Kristen is this where you saw yours?

  9. Kathy Foster says:

    Put it all on one page, it’s annoying to click page after page to see next idea!

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