It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

5 Ways To Re-Use Those Pesky Silica Gel Packets

You know those little mystery packets that come in your shoe boxes, your toasted seaweed boxes, beef jerky bags and anything else that manufacturers need to keep dry?

Well, in case you have never actually read anything past the “Poison” label, you should know that those packs are filled with something called silica gel.

It looks like this: landscape_1423449858-silicagel Those little balls are designed to attract moisture and gobble it up so that your new shoes or your dried food stays dry.

But they are good for more than that and it is worth saving them all in a special place (where the kids cannot get to them). Click through to see how this stuff can get you out of a bind or two:

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  1. I saved my Note 3, after I dropped it in the dog’s water bowl. SO glad I have been saving up these little packets of silica!

  2. put it in your carved pumpkins to keep them from rotting early

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