It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Even A Child Could Make This Adorable Rag Rug

This rug really could not be easier to make!

If you enjoy keeping your hands busy while you are watching TV, this is the project for you because it is time consuming but pretty mindless work.

This is a rug that you can completely customize because you select the colors you want.  You can get the kids to cut the strips for you and even help you create the rug because all you do is take the strips and pull them through the holes of the non-slip skid mat.

Here is all you need:

  1. 1″ x 5″ strips of fabric
  2. non-slip rug mat
  3. latch hook tool (optional)

This couldn’t be any easier.  In fact, the tutorial has to be pictorial because there is just nothing really to explain.  You don’t even need to tie the strips in knots, just pull them through.

Take a look:rag rug how-to

Have fun with this one and post your pictures!

Thanks to craftaholicsanonymous for this great craft.


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