It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

DIY Hula-Hoop Canopy for Just a Few Bucks!

A kid’s room should feel like a special place.  That can seem like a tall order when you are trying to get a room done with a certain amount of money.  Just getting in the bare necessities can eat up a budget fast!

But there are certainly ways to give your kid something extra and not break the bank.

There is nothing like a canopy to give a bedroom a magical touch.  For a boy or a girl, canopies add a sense of wonder and imagination to the space while at the same time, make their bed feel extra cozy and personal.


Here is a tutorial for a canopy you can put together for your kid for as little as a few bucks!  (If you have a sheet that will work, You only need a hula-hoop and a few supplies.)

Click through to get all the deets!

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  1. Kathy Taplin says:

    What a lovely way to encourage their imagination!!

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