It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Get The Secret To Getting Rid Of Ants Overnight

No matter how clean you keep your home, an ant infestation is bound to happen once in a while.  Nothing to be embarrassed about, it’s just a part of life.  How one deals with this small adversity–that is the important thing.

You also don’t have to wait until the problem becomes terrible.  If you see a small trail of them creeping in, this method will entice ALL of their friends to come out quickly and disappear just as quickly.

Warning: don’t be surprised when after you put out your concoction, the problem gets MUCH worse.  This is a great sign and you want this.  When it gets worse, leave those guys alone, they will take their medicine like good little ants and be gone before you know it.

Click through to get the recipe and directions for this wonderful DIY ant exterminator!

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  1. This gives me some ideas for a new project!

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