For anyone who gardens, weeds are just a nuisance beyond nuisances.
They sprout up where they are least wanted and you can pull them till you are blue in the face but they just come back with a vengeance!
When you take the time and care to create a garden–edible or not–the last thing you want are these unwanted “plants” taking over territory and destroying what you have so carefully created. And who wants to spray toxic weed killer on your beautiful plants? Not me.
There is a solution. It is simple, sustainable and costs almost nothing. All you need is some newspaper and you are set.
Click through to learn what to do!
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Did it
Did it too, but did nto work
did it and does not work
i use old cracker barrel maps and put mulch over .. works for me, have done this for years
I tried it and they still came up
I have use several sheets of paper and also used cardboard boxes from fridge or wash machine. It looks nice at first but it starts to brake down and the weeds come threw buy the next year!
Ruth Conlin Murphy
I do this every year, and have been for about 20 years now, but instead of mulch in the vegetable garden, I use straw. Some weeds pop thru if the newspaper layers come apart, but since the soil is so moist, weeds pull out easily.
In addition, you water less because the paper/straw keep the ground moist.