It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

In Case Of Emergency, Stick A Screwdriver In The Butter!

There are so many hacks that you can get schooled on to assist you in the case of an emergency.  The truth is that you can never be too prepared so why not learn as much as you can?

There are a few things that we all need in an emergency situation and one of them is LIGHT.

Click though to get some ways to create light when there is none…

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  1. DIY Monthly says:

    IMO stuff like this are fantastic

  2. Penny Jones says:

    Or just go to Walmart & stock up on candles so when you lose your power in the winter you don’t have to sit outside in the cold with your homemade candle that you can’t burn in the house lol. I did like the orange peel one though, pretty cool 😉

  3. Because everything is better with butter lol

  4. I always love everything related to woodworking

  5. Riley Shumway-McClarin

  6. Wow this might come in handy this hurricane season. I have to write it down to remember haha

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