It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Hair Conditioner Mixed With Vinegar Seems Crazy But This Should Be A STAPLE In Your Home!

Making your own cleaning supplies for your home is such a wonderful way to save money, keep toxins out of your home, and do something good for the environment.

There is pretty much no limit to what supplies you can DIY at home, everything from cleaning wipes to Goo Gone and from dishwashing detergent to stain remover and the list goes on.

Here is yet another…click through…

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  1. Homemade fabric softener

  2. Thank you! #stopclickbait

  3. Just use white vinegar with nothing added works for me.

  4. Probably not a good idea. It’ll leave an oily residue on your dryer filter. The residue will cause your filter to clog and possibly cause a fire. At the very lest, your dryer will not work efficiently.

  5. I use this all the time. So cheap and works great

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