It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

She Hung These Curtain Rods In Her Bedroom But Not At All For What You Think!

Would it be accurate to assume that every girl (and possibly boy) at one time or another has dreamed of the perfect canopy bed?

Canopy beds are romantic and depending on how you dress them up, can suit any decor style from infant’s room to grandma’s room.

If you thought you had to invest in an expensive bed frame to get that canopy you have always wanted, think again…

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  1. Sher Stookey says:

    Cool!! My ceiling already is cracked. It’d probably fall down on me if I did that but have no desire to do that especially with three cats that would just have something else to ruin or walk on (the bars).

  2. Save a few clicks.
    “A dreamy canopy bed”.
    To each their own.

  3. Can’t get it to load. Somebody help me out plz!

  4. Tiphannie Cruey this would be great in the girls room, made out of netting.

  5. Jean Smith says:

    Madeleine, will they let you do this in your place?

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