It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Nothing Is Cooking In This Muffin Tin Except A Fantastic Kids DIY!

It’s almost summer!  Start making that list of things-to-do for the kids.  Mine is itemized into weekly big outings (like the beach or a kid’s museum or farm), small daily outings (like the library, play-dates) and stuff we can do at home when we are twiddling our thumbs (such as bake cookies and craft).

This activity is absolutely going on my list!

DIY glitter sidewalk paint!


I love a messy activity that my kids can do OUTSIDE.  They get their mess on, have a ball, and the house stays clean.

For all the deets on how to make this, check out theimaginationtree.  She has the full recipe for you there as well as a TON of other amazing ideas for the kids!

What’s on your summer to-do-list?  Please tell us!  Ours need to be longer…much longer.


  1. IMO stuff about projects is fantastic who agrees?

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