It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Make Your Own Eco-Friendly, Cost Efficient and EFFECTIVE Window Cleaner!

Who can even manage to keep windows and mirrors clean.  Personally, I have given up trying to get my kids to stop putting their hands on everything and I have resigned myself to cleaning it all VERY regularly.

I have noticed, as I am sure you have, that window cleaner is expensive and frequently, quite toxic.  Knowing that I need to use so much of it and that my kids hands are exposed to it, I love the idea of making my own.

This is a great video from a guy who really knows his stuff about improving a home, P. Allen Smith.  His recipe only has 3 ingredients (one of which is WATER) and he also has a very handy and unexpected tip at the end of the video.

Take a look and let us know what you think!

featured image: flickr

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