It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

She Sticks A Triangle Cutout Onto A Photograph To Make The Cutest Thing I Have Ever Seen!

Planning a baby birthday party?

This craft is a conversation piece that will be a HUGE hit!

There are a lot of different DIY banners you can make for a party but this one really takes the cake for the cutest of all.

Check it out here:

To save money and extra work, choose about 4 or 5 different photos to print and then make copies of those 5 on cardstock, rather than printing out all the photos.

Have you ever DIYed something that rivaled this level of cuteness?


  1. HuhuDesign says:

    absolutely correct could not agree more

  2. HuhuDesign says:

    Important Post !

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