It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

She Rolls Up A Plastic Bag, And Then Another…And Another…Then She Has A Super-Convenient Hack!

I am ALL for re-using plastic bags.  First and foremost, let’s NOT use them in the first place as much as possible.  But if you are making use of them from time to time, why not re-use?

This is a really col and simple hack to prevent one of your kitchen drawers from being overrun by bags and it also makes grabbing one when you need it easier and more fun.  Check it out:

BTW, did you know that most grocery stores have a bin in front where you can drop off all your plastic bags to recycle?  If your local store doesn’t have one, why not suggest it?

What clever re-use do you have for plastic bags?

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