It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

These Kids Are Cutting Up Paper Straws For A Fun Craft!

This craft is a perfect one to let the kids have free reign with while you get some work done on your computer or around the house.

It’s pretty much no-mess and they will come back to you with their creations, hopefully having made an extra one for you!

Check out this video to see what your kids could be doing this afternoon…

Obviously, this would have been perfect for the 4th of July, but there is never a bad time for some patriotic bling and they can, of course, make these in any color theme.

What craft have you set up your kids with lately so that you could actually get some work done?


  1. AngelnPreston Stanberry

  2. HuhuDesign says:

    Interesting info thanks this is really good need more diy please

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