This furniture transformation is EXTRAORDINARY!
I can’t believe how creative this DIY is and how she did a complete 180 on this piece of furniture that most would have left on the curb.
I am sure her daughter or son will absolutely love it and that this is a piece that will get passed down to siblings and cousins for a long time to come.
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Great Idea!
Yes I’m Right
any little girl would love this
Now that is creative.
Great idea for the grandkids.
This is a great idea for a darling kitchen for any child .. They would love it !!
Mary Nelson, this is out of my skill level, but if someone found this table and made this for Kinnley in about 4 yrs she would play forever I bet.
What a neat idea !!
Very cute idea and much better than those plastic ones!
Love it !!
so cute and doesn’t take up much space
This is fantastic. Congrarts to the dreamer upper !! I remember a play area that my brother built for me when I was a little girl about 4 or 5 yrs old. I t was pretty temporary tho. He took half of a huge watermelon rind and cut a plug in center, set it on a little stand with a 5 gallon can frull of water in a tree over it with a little tube coming down to it w/a cut off thing. That was my kitchen sink. He made a stove out of a box and drew burners and knobs on it. I was sooo proud of my playhouse. Thank you again brother for the memory.
love it
Love it.
That is just adorable!
any little girl would lobe this in her little house
adoreable 🙂
Adorable !
Real nice!
What a creative idea and what a wonderful memory !!! <3
Make’s me want my girl to be little again so I could do it.
wow …i have an old piece like that…thinking of throwing it out but so impressed by this transformation
A project for Pete for when the girls grow up a bit!
This is so cute!
Pat Brumley – For Lillie and Tessa?
Love it…
Check this out! Cute as heck!
Brent Grass – Lily would like one of these.
So cute. Any lil girl would love it.
how wonder it is to have an imagination
a little girl’s ”Kitchen”
Brittany Nicole Hall cute project for your niece
would be nice to see the blue painted child’s stove w/ four burners in the post. click and re-click… gets us to the adds.
Some people are just so talented!
great idea
Beautiful, you have a lot of talent.
Adorable! Why weren’t these ideas around when my girls and my granddaughters were little?
Very cute!
John Hunter.
This is what it looks like finished. I have seen these made from the older entertainment centers, but if space is an issue, this works
potty for kids
very creative i may need to remember this
there are some really innovative people in this world