This furniture transformation is EXTRAORDINARY!
I can’t believe how creative this DIY is and how she did a complete 180 on this piece of furniture that most would have left on the curb.
I am sure her daughter or son will absolutely love it and that this is a piece that will get passed down to siblings and cousins for a long time to come.
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what a sweet project!
Shilah, you need to do this for Baylee.
When I stumble upon these pages I go to the comments someone usually has the info or pictures posted there . The picture of this is really cute.
very cute
That is great!
Lol Angel Borg,what did you do to your table?
Wow! Mine is still sitting on my craft table mocking me!
Lol,still curious what it will become,lol! Still think it should go on the porch, it’s heavy enough 🙂
or firewood!
That’s so cute!
So clever & so darling!!! Whimsical!!
Me too wonder why ?
How CUTE is That!!!!
You did a great job. Very cute
How precious!
Sarah-John Kottwitz
Very cute
Cindy McGriff Beasley
A project for Rob
Reminds me of this one I made for my grand kids. Mine looked a lot like this one in the post after I stripped it!
Elisabeth Falkenthal, Sherri Kunschke
Great idea
how cute is that
What an idea !!
Amanda Bechtel
Here’s Abigail’s kitchen Tessa Estes
That’s so cute! If I owned tools I’d totally go find a table at a thrift store lol
Beautiful !
Brielle should have one of these!!
Very cute!
I’m glad it turned out so nice , I thought it was part of an outhouse @ 1st LOL
Jonathan P. Graff…how cute is this?
That is so cute.
Oh so cute I’ve got do this
Kathy Hopkins
Wish I had a grad daughter
Megan Tokarz for Brailynn. Put Ryan to work.
So cute
Marc Michaud……someone you know would LOVE this
Good job
Cute idea!!
So much nicer than the plastic junk you buy for kids.
Love and it’s compact so would fit into a small place.
So cute
How sweet
What will they think of next this is so cute