It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

After She Makes This Simple DIY Concoction, She DUMPS It On The Floor!

Whether you have cats or not, if you have carpet, then you have to deal with keeping it clean by  vacuuming is not always enough.

Here is a simple and easy way to go that extra mile that will make the difference between smelly, vacuumed carpets and fresh-smelling, deodorized, vacuumed carpets.


  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 20-30 drops essential oils
  • mason jar
  • cardboard


1.  In your mason jar, mix together 1 cup of baking soda and 20-30 drops of the essestial oil of you choice.  (Rosemary, tea tree, peppermint, citrus…whatever you like.)

2.  Shake it up well till the oil is evenly distributed throughout the baking soda.

3.  Replace the round part of the mason jar lid with a piece of cardboard cut to the same size. You will also need to punch several holes in the cardboard so you create a shaker.


4.  Sprinkle it all over your carpet and let sit for 20 minutes.  (Don’t let the kids or pets get to it.)

5.  Vacuum as usual.

That’s it!  You will have a fresher and deodorized carpet (and room).

Do you have a method of cleaning carpets?  Please tell us about it!

Also, if you have not seen our post on how to get rid of stubborn and set carpet stains using WD-40, this is a MUST-READ!  I tried this myself and it worked like magic.

Thanks to instructables for this great idea and pictures.  See their site for more deets on this cleaning hack.


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