This last one is my own addition to this post and something I have done for a few years now with total success.
My son had lice once when he was about 4. It was a nightmare and we ended up shaving his head clean to get rid of it. Thank goodness no one else got it. I did some research at this time and found out something very interesting.
Did you know that lice do NOT like tea tree oil? So obviously, you would want your kid’s hair to smell like tea tree oil at all times, right?
I keep a mist-spray bottle (.99 cents at Target) in the bathroom filled with water and about 10 drops of tea tree oil (you can get this one at Trader Joes). When the kids get up in the morning, they take care of their bed-head by spraying it a little bit wet and brushing it through. So everyday, their hair gets a small douse of this essential oil, just enough to keep the bugs away.
The douse that keeps away the louse. We have never had a case of lice since.
For tons more great uses for essential oils, see Dr. Axe. This guy REALLY knows his business when it comes to these oils!
featured image source: flickr
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