It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Attaching A Paper Towel Roll To Your Vacuum Is A Miraculous Solution!!

We all use paper towels for a million different reasons (and if we are being honest, perhaps we overuse them a bit) but you gotta admit they are as handy as can be.  I actually only buy the “select-a-size” ones and I cut even those small ones in half to use for napkins for my kids.  That little square is actually a perfect size.

But there is a LOT I did not know about paper towels and you can learn all of it on the next page…

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1 Comment

  1. R says:

    Nope. It just collapsed. My crevice tool actually worked fine just not quite as long as I’d liked it to be for that particular job.

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