It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Can You Guess Why This Dry-Erase Calendar Is SOOOO Unique!!

You are basically going to painting your dry erase calendar directly onto your wall.  I say, make it HUGE!!!



  1. Cover all nearby items with a drop cloth.
  2. Using painter’s tape, outline your calendar and make a grid for the dates.  It will be a perfect square with 7 columns, 6 rows and one solid strip along the top for the name of the month.  (See the picture for your guide.)
  3. Add part A into part B, mix well.
  4. Using your small foam roller, apply a layer of the paint using light, even strokes and not over rolling.
  5. Allow the paint to dry for 2 full days before using a dry erase marker on it. (Take the tape off much sooner–painter’s tape becomes difficult to remove if left on too long.)
  6. Now, ORGANIZE!!!


How would a calendar like this help you?  Tell us and send us the pics of the one you make!

Thank you to rustoleum for this awesome project and great pic!

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