It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer


They Use Seven Slats From This Pallet To Make Something You Never Imagined You Would Have In Your Home!

If you like to entertain or if you are the type of household where friends just seem to stop by unannounced, then you know how important ...

These Pieces Of Pallet Wood Come Together To Make A Perfect Kitchen Accessory!

Cutting up a pallet is as easy as pie and once you get your cuts done for this DIY, you are so close to making a perfectly cool spice ...

With Leftover Materials He Builds A Fantastic Bathroom Storage Shelf!

If you are counter-space challenged (as we are) in the bathroom department, you should definitely start thinking about how to utilize ...

This Boring Hook Rack Is About To Become Absolutely Fabulous!

Hooks are ESSENTIAL.  In every room, there should be hooks.  I believe in hooks on the back of every bedroom door, every bathroom ...

She Uses A Drill Press On This Simple Slab Of Wood And The Reveal is Awesome!

There are so many things that you need to put down the moment you walk in the door.  Keys, purse, hat, sunnies, coat…it all ...

This Frame Gets Spray-Painted To Make An Ultra-Chic Organizing Tool!

I am a firm believer that every home needs a dry-erase calendar where everyone can see it.  Even if you are all set up with your online ...

This Little Leather Circle Is About To Become The Best Thing In Your Purse!

Do you deal with the Daily-Iphone Headset-Disaster?  Are you constantly untangling cords from themselves to use them only to find ...

Toilet Paper Rolls Go Into A Box And Instant Organization Happens!

Organization hacks can be an amazing way to get your house in order.  All the little things that a scattered everywhere from art supplies ...

This Box Gets An Incredible Makeover–Inside and Out!

This box starts out as a plain-jane wooden box that serves any general purpose that an ordinary box would.  But it ends up as a beautiful ...