It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer


This Girl Took A Perfect Selfie Without Even Touching Her Phone!

Let’s face it, as much as we all complain about (at least I do) people taking selfies left and right, I have to admit (and maybe ...

I Have Never Seen Anyone Stick a Straw Into A Strawberry Before But I Will Be Doing This From Now On!!

I get really frustrated when I spend big bucks on beautiful organic strawberries and then I watch my kids throw away about 1/2 of each ...

He Threads This Yarn Through A Binder Clip And Instantly Has The Handiest Hack!!

If you have never watched a “binder clip hacks” video, it is time that you did. Those binder clips that have been sitting ...

She Puts Socks On Her Wipers For The Most Brilliant Reason!

So much to know, to learn and to hack in those cold winter months.  And if you are in a snowy region right about now then you know ...

I Was Amazed At How He MAGICALLY Tied His Shoe Lace!

Lately I have found so many cool shoelace hacks! For instance, did you know there is a way to tie your shoes in like one second?  Have ...

She Is Using This Can Opener To Open Something But NOT A CAN!

Do you ever get so frustrated not being able to open things?  You want something, it’s right there, in your hand…but you ...

Who Knew A Summer Pool Noodle Also Makes The Perfect WINTER Hack!

Here is Southern Cali, we are actually getting a taste of winter here.  From all reports,  it was actually colder HERE than on the ...

Putting Duct Tape On The Inside Of The Car Made His Wife SO HAPPY!

We spend so much time in the car–doesn’t it make sense that we should know every possible tip and hack that will make our ...

I Was Shocked To Learn What Can Be Done With A Saucepan!

It would probably be safe to assume that we all have a saucepan at home but how many of us are using it to its full capacity? Certainly ...