It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Create a Secret Compartment in your Car in Just a Few Minutes

Not only is this project fast, but it works REALLY well.   All you need is an Ice Breakers container and an old mouse pad!

  1. Get the measurements of the circumference of the cup holder.
  2. Draw a circle outline on the mouse pad.
  3. Cut out the circle.
  4. Empty out the Ice Breakers container.
  5. Place 2 pieces of double-sided tape on top (or glue).
  6. Put your valuables inside, such as money or keys.
  7. Lay down the mouse pad circle on top of the container, make sure it centered perfectly.
  8. Put inside the cup holder in your car.

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Check out the original article with more instructions and illustrations at


  1. Not such a secret anymore

  2. Pat Hill says:

    It would not work if the thief is a cat person

  3. And now the whole world knows where to look.

  4. Why does anyone leave valuables in their car? That’s just not smart.

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