It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

DIY Sparkle Geode Crystals-Best DIY Craft EVER

This video will give you a step-by-step visual of this whole process.  Wait till you see how easy and fun every step of this process is.  Order your supplies today and post pics of your geodes for us to see!
This is just the best project ever…

This is by far my favorite craft.  What is yours?  Tell us and we will post it for our readers!

Thank you annorshine for this amazing tutorial!


  1. Deb Beneman says:

    Where do you get the alum???

  2. Amy Maguire says:

    You could find it at grocery stores (w/spices) or somewhere that sells canning supplies. The type she uses in the video is on amazon. You can also order it in larger packs there.

  3. Deb Beneman says:

    That’s great, Thank You.

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