It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Don’t Toss That Burnt Toast! Use This Hack Instead!

Throwing away burnt food is something we all have done, something we all do.  No matter our best intentions to get things out of the oven or toaster in time, sometimes multi-tasking takes over and before we know it, we smell that familiar smell of something burning.  DOH!!!

My personal daily burning disaster is my daughter’s toast.  I always make it last when I have already started cleaning up the breakfast mess a bit and I forget it’s in there and I burn her toast ALL THE TIME!!  ARGH!

I love this advice from someone who spent endless hours multi-tasking in a busy restaurant kitchen where throwing away food was not an option.  Facing an angry head chef who might find his burnt mistake in the trash was far too frightening so he figured out a way to salvage what others would have trashed.

Click through to see what he discovered!

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  1. Except the toast in the picture is already burned lol. I also do the freezer thing when its not yet burned but about to be though. Burned toast goes to the furbabies though with peanut butter on it lol

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