It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Empty Wall Space? Make a Starburst Mirror!

We have all seen those awesome starburst mirrors at Z Gallerie, West Elm, etc…  Whenever I have seen them in people’s homes I have always taken note of how cool they are and how they really fill a wall space beautifully. The great thing about this mirror is that it is one of the few decorative pieces that are great in a couple’s home because it’s not too feminine and the guys won’t veto it!

There are so many different versions of this mirror and they sell for upwards of $200 (case in point-Crate and Barrel).  But thanks to Sarah Hearts and her excellent instructional video, we can make our own for a small FRACTION of that cost.

Take a look at this video, DO try this at home and please post pictures!

1 Comment

  1. I did this with a dollar store mirror and free painters sticks from home depot.

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