It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

He Fills A Tupperware Bowl With Cement And Makes Something Awesome!!

I usually put food in my tupperware but next time I will definitely be pouring in some quick dry cement instead!

This is a really fun project to do and it’s a great one because you are making something that you will use for years and that will last and last.

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  1. Jenny Misner says:

    Jesus Sergio Medrano

  2. He did not use Tupperware bowls.

  3. Jeannette says:

    Neat i think i would add stones or colored objects to outside or even some kind of stain. Neat idea.

  4. Manny Hanna says:

    Saundra Quillen….These are so cool..

  5. Does the cement bowl get hot? If not, can this be painted on the outside?

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