It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

He Literally Covers His Windows In Bubble Wrap And The Reason Why Is Genius!

If you are lucky enough-as I am-to have VERY old windows on your home, then you are all-too familiar with that cold draft that makes it’s way into your home.

I love this bubble wrap hack that does a marvelous job of putting an end to it.

Check out this video below for this hack and several others that will help you this winter!

Which was your favorite??  Share this video with your friends and please tell us if you have any winter hacks you can throw into the mix.  We love them all!


  1. Sandy Gillie says:

    I actually did this last year to a door leading into garage and it actually does work — the glass becomes warm to the touch but a couple of spots where the bubble had broken felt cold — I do have another roll ready to go —- think I still hae another roll ready to go this year.

  2. Sher Stookey says:

    I can’t find big enough rolls.

  3. Sher Stookey says:

    I already discovered the pipe cover idea..problem is, my cat likes to claw it off. I will have to try the newspaper in shoes..that’s a good idea. I can’t find bubble wrap big enough (or cheap enough) to use that idea although I saved some that will fit a smaller won’t help for the leaks around the window though. I’m thinking my cats might like to pop the bubble wrap, too. :

  4. I want to try the bubble wrap!

  5. I do this 🙂 I need to do this now..its getting cold!

  6. Keeps cold air out, duh

  7. It works great on boats.

  8. Dalene Weiss says:

    comes up ‘this video is unavailable’

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