It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

He Soaked An Old T-Shirt In Something And Left It On The Faucet Overnight-MIRACULOUS!

It has become very apparent to me that if you can find a way to get something to soak in vinegar, it will get clean.

Whether its the toilet, the shower head or the kitchen faucet, if you can get creative with how you will let vinegar saturate it over a period of many hours, you are going to see a miraculous result.

Here is how you do it for the faucet:

That “after” result is amazing!

Is there something you have renewed with vinegar?  Please tell us what and how!


  1. Please make sure you follow directions carefully! I got busy and left the vinegar on to long…. My fault 🙁

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