It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

He Ties An Extension Cord To The Swing Set And For This, He Gets A GENIUS AWARD!

Father’s Day is approaching so what could be more fitting than a slew of “Daddy Hacks”?

I love this video from Whats Up, Moms that is filled with great ideas and hacks that will make dad’s day with the kids easier on everyone. (And of course, mom can use these, too!)

Check it out:

Do you have any “Dad Hacks” you can share with us?


  1. Got to admit it – Absolutely adore everything like this

  2. Margaret King says:

    Had not thought of the can opener on the plastic package or the sock on legos

  3. liked the can opener on plastic package and the sock for legos

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