It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

He Took A Picture Of His Key And Then Printed It Out…The Reason Why? Clever as Heck!

We recently posted another video of a very clever way to make a key and this one is running a close second.

This video really reminds us of a good rule of thumb to NOT leave your keys lying around.  Even if they are only left alone for a short time (not nearly long enough for someone to make a copy of them) it only takes a few seconds to take a photograph of it!

Check this out here:

Now that we have informed you about this, be sure to check out this post on how to prevent your pin code from being stolen.  VERY ENLIGHTENING.

Do you have any security hacks that we should know about?  Please share them in the comments below!


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