It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

He Uses A Glass Jar And A Can To Make Something VERY VALUBLE!!

A safe place to keep your valuables is worth it’s weight in gold.

Purchasing a safe may be the optimal solution for a place to store your prize possessions but that can also be an expensive option. (Perhaps more expensive than the items you want to put in it!)

If you have some things you want to keep safe, there are actually lots of options…click through for a few ideas…

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  1. Gloria Adams says:


  2. Mike Platt says:

    Some clever hacks.

  3. Karen Bush says:

    Now every thief knows where to look

  4. Brenda Hale says:

    Can’t listen keeps going in and out

  5. I can see the chapstick one getting lost quickly, the can of pasta being donated, the tennis ball contents going all over a doggie park, and the candle and flower pot ones being thrown in the trash (especially after the flowers die cause it was the dogs personal potty)……Just my 2 cents

  6. I thought that was pretty neat! Easy to make and easy to remember where you placed your goods! Yes and pretty darn clever! Don’t listen to the negative comments! A plus grade!

  7. Your Mama was a sweet lady❤️

  8. So, now the would-be burglers will know where to find my loot. I’ll come home one day and find all my canned food opened. They’ll be upset that they dont find anything of value and throw the food all over my kitchen. I’ll have to spend way too much time cleaning it up and be late for pre-rounds. Nope! Dont think so.

  9. I like them all except the Chapstick, I can hardly keep up with a regular tube, I’d hate to loose one filled with money.

  10. Julia Maupin says:

    Great hacks! I can’t wait to hide my junk food from my husband now!

  11. Cassie Knapp says:

    Martha Surbaugh Knapp this is what I was telling you about!

  12. Lisa Tallant says:

    Ya because that’s what every burglar does…. Hahahahha

  13. Karen Talley says:

    Some good ideas. Unfortunately, my granddaughter would take the chapstick, I’d forget about the tennis ball goodies & prob give it to my dogs, the plant would die quickly as often as I’d take it out to get the key, & the ravioli would end up as a food bank donation.

  14. Just hope the stupid thieves dont take the time to watch this..

  15. Kim Roope says:

    Maybe this will be useful for drug dealers to hide their drugs. The cops would know where to look.


  17. I already have a hard time finding things, let alone if I hid them lol

  18. Tamara Eells says:

    Trust me. Thieves aren’t that smart.

  19. And now millions know about it so it isn’t safe anymore!

  20. Seems like a lot of work, just keep up with your money and keys……..

  21. Rita Skeen says:

    You need to let someone in the family know so they dont throw it out

  22. What’s on my mind now is all the thieves reading this no where to look,keep them busy,use them all and more !!!some I know weren’t on here!!,

  23. Oh,,you have money left after shopping,tell me your secrets ! !

  24. Ok. You know anyone can google ways to hide your valuable items. Easily. Thrives and all. So this didn’t just give them ideas. Some these been around for a while. So the negativity is not worth it. These are good ideas maybe givin ideas to others to do their own makeshift safe.

  25. Not very smart showing everyone this hack. You should keep things like this to yourself. Now when your home gets broken into, the burglar will know just what to look for and where it is……

  26. Linda Denbo says:

    If I did this it would be lost in a day

  27. Easier hacks-put money under a corner of pulled loose carpet, inside picture frames, inside winter boots and I can think of many other places.
    Keys-use a magnetic​ key container and hide it with your lawnmower or other outdoor equipment. Tape an extra house key to an outdoor appliance, inside a plastic container in your bag of potting soil or fertilizer bag.
    There are endless ways to hide money and valuables around the house.
    Make sure the cash is inside something that is not going to be exposed easily during a house fire.

  28. Well now everyone knows where I will be hiding my stuff! Lol!

  29. Beth Gregory says:

    Pretty cool ideas! Screw the ones that are so negative.

  30. My grandmother’s house was robbed over 40 years ago and they literally emptied her cabinets, emptied canisters and tore apart her linen closest looking for money and valuables. According to the police they did this because people hid things in empty cans etc. Nothing new & not safe.

  31. Arlene Lorta says:

    Now everyone knows. Lol

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