It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Here Is All You Need To Avoid Another Halloween With No Costume! Last Minute Halloween DIY!

How many of us have headed out the door on Halloween night in our ordinary clothes only to be a spectator of all the Halloween eye-candy that this night has to offer?  (Guilty.)

It’s not that I am opposed to wearing a costume, it’s just that I spend so much time and energy making sure my kid’s are all set that I lose any desire to create a costume for myself.

If all this sounds familiar, check out this video which will save you from another year of jeans. tee and good walking shoes.

Well, you can still wear your favorite jeans and most comfortable shoes, right?

What last-minute Halloween costume have you whipped up?


  1. Trish Farmer says:

    Cut out black T in skull pattern and white shows through

  2. Loretta says:

    Great post

  3. Loretta says:

    Great post paper rolls make tomato sauce like

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