It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

I Never Thought To Freeze This Stuff But What A Genius Idea!

This is genius.  I can imagine how wonderful this frozen aloe would feel on a sunburn as it slowly melts and rubs into your skin.



Who needs expensive bookshelves?  Rain gutters are cheap and do a perfect job of holding a kid’s library so they can see all their selections clearly.



I have never seen this but what a perfect way to let your kid have a fair shot at winning a card game!


Another brilliant use for rain gutters.  Who says you need a big back yard to have a garden?


This is a great way to keep an ice pack handy.  Did you know you can also do it with dish soap?!


Have you got any life hacks to add to this list?  Please tell us about them!

Thank you to the DIYer who compiled a great list (mostly from dumpaday) on imgur and inspired this article.

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