It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

I Thought She Was Crazy For Turning Her Shoes Into An Art Project But She Showed Me!


  • Flats
  • Painter’s tape
  • Black paint
  • Brushes
  • White paint
  • White marker pen


1. Tape off the tops of the shoes.  (Really press it down well so no paint gets through.)

2. Paint the tops of the shoes black.  Use as many coats as needed for full coverage allowing it to dry in between coats.

3. Remove the tape and paint in the ears.


4. Add the eyes. Using the back of a straight pin dipped in the white paint makes a good tool for this. If you mess up, just paint over it with black and try again.

As you can see in the photo, she made tiny black specks in the corner of the whites to make it appear that the cat is looking off to the side. (God is in the details!)


5. Using your white paint pen (or, if you are good with a brush, just the white paint with a very fine brush) add the nose and whiskers.


And now you have elevated your simple little flats to the cutest little conversation piece!

(Also, don’t be afraid to play with color.  I can see cats of every color.  If you have pink flats, make a purple cat. Red flats?  How about yellow cats? There are no bad combinations!)

Thank you to kittenhood for this great tutorial and perfect pics.  You can see their site for even more pics.


1 Comment

  1. Pj Hunt says:

    Not my cup of tea

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