- hammer
- small nails (all the same size)
- string
- cut out shape (such as the map of your home state)
First thing you will do is cut out the cute shape of your choice (such as a heart) where your home city is located on your state map.
Then, center your map onto your board and start hammering the nails all around it about 1/2″ apart.
Also, hammer the nails around the shape you cut out.
Next, you will begin wrapping the string from the map outline back to the heart shape and around and around until you work your way all the way around the border.
Voila! Now you get to hang it up!
This project reminds me a lot of the map-cutting-board-turned-clock. Another great project for those with a lot of home-state pride.
I am seeing a home-state pride theme here. Do you have a DIY that honors your home state? Please tell us what it is!
Thank you to thelittlethings for this great tutorial and pics. You can see their site for more pics of the progress of this DIY.
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