It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Learn How To Cook The Perfect Steak In ONE Minute!

A while back I posted a video of Chef Gordon Ramsay teaching how to make the perfect steak and what surprised me was that he didn’t even use a grill.  He cooked it on the stovetop, just like he would scrambled eggs, and it was perfect.

You can check out that video here but you could also just watch this 1 minute Buzzfeed video and get just about everything you need.  (I would recommend watching Ramsay’s video as well because he does have a couple of extra finishing touches that are also quite easy but add a nice finish.)

Here is your lesson in steak prep!

Do you have a secret to cooking a perfect steak?  Or just one little tip to add?  Please tell us!

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