It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Make Your Bed While You Are Still In It

This may seem obvious once you watch the video but if you have never even thought of it before, it will really be a game changer for you!

Watch the video and let us know if you will start making your bed!  Just like mamma told you to.

Do you like this?  Do you have a better way?  Or are you too lazy even for this?  Let us know!

featured image hayneedle


  1. Lisa Botta says:

    I’m 5’2″ and have a huge king size bed.
    Unfortunately, I would probably get wrapped up like a pretzel. Lol
    Plus my husband destroys the bed so I’ll have to keep killing myself. You know what though. Great idea for kids especially !!!!!!!!

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