It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Make Your Own Rustic Twig Pencils and Pens!

These twig pencils are so awesome and add so much rustic charm and character to your home or office.  Have your kids take them to school and I guarantee they will return home with orders by the dozen.

This is a cool project to do with the kiddos, too.

Here is what you need:


  1. Some sticks
  2. Drill with 2mm drill bit
  3. 2mm pencil graphite
  4. wood glue
  5. utility knife


  1. Collect your twigs and cut them to size
  2. Place them in a vice and use your drill to put the holes down the center of the twig
  3. Place a bit of wood glue on the lead and slide it in the hole.
  4. Wipe off the excess glue
  5. Use your utility knife to sharpen the pencil

There you have it!

If you cannot find any 2mm lead, you can also use a slightly bigger drill and insert the tube from a cheap ball point pen.

Check out the video below to see how to do this.  It’s really a cinch!

featured image and article inspired from manmadediy


  1. Esther says:

    Amazingly useful. I bought a rustic pen at duty free shop in prague and got myself thinking on how i could make gift for my friends. Now i have a clue. Thank you sooo much

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