It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Mommy Takes Her Kid’s Party Hats To The NEXT LEVEL!!



  • Plain party hats
  • Quick-dry tacky glue
  • confetti


  1. Apply the tacky glue all over the hat.
  2. Sprinkle the confetti all over the hat.
  3. Shake off all the excess.
  4. Let dry.

Pretty easy–but still, here is your pic tutorial:Confetti-Party-Hats41

Heck, I would wear this party hat!


How do you add crafty and pinterest-y details to your kids parties?

Thank you to ohhappyday for this awesome tutorial and pretty pics!  See their site for more deets and also for a template from which you can DIY the hat itself.





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