Interesting fact: humans are the only mammals on Earth who drink milk after we get our teeth. Like all other mammals, we are supposed to get it from our mamma, and ONLY from our mamma.
When you consider how far we go to continually consume something that is so hard for us to digest–ugh, lactose:(– it makes you wonder…why?
It is strange enough to keep drinking milk after mother nature takes it away from us, but then to get it from a…a COW? Now, that is REALLY strange when you think about it!
Not only that, these days, the majority of cows that are producing the milk we drink are so pumped up with antibiotics and fed a diet of nothing but genetically modified corn (cows actually want to eat ONLY grass) that the milk they are producing is actually making us sick as a nation. (If you are buying organic milk from 100% grass-fed cows then GOOD ON YOU!)
Anyway, I’ll get off my soapbox. And back to the point!
Almonds…so good for you.
Click through to see what you should be doing with them…
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