It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Replace That Blue JUNK With This Natural Sports Drink!

According to dailyhealthpost:

Homemade Rehydration Drink Recipe

1 cup lemon juice (approx 6-8 lemons)
1/2 cup honey or maple syrup
1 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda

Place in a pint mason jar and stir to combine (the lemon juice and baking soda will react, so stir it down), keep concentrate in the fridge. This can be added to 1 gallon of filtered water, or add 1-2 tablespoons to each 8 ounces (1 cup) of water.

This simple recipe will give you everything your body needs after a sweaty workout or a long day in the sun.  (It will also save you $$.)

The food coloring and “natural flavors” can take a hike and so can the people that are selling us the load of bull that we need something blue or green to feel better after we exercise!!

Try this recipe and let us know how you like it.  Do you have an electrolyte drink recipe that you make?  Please share it!

Thanks to dailyhealthpost for this awesome recipe!

Featured image from flickr

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