It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Scoop That Frozen-Solid Ice Cream Like A Pro!

How many times have you only been able to scoop up ice cream CHIPS and FLAKES because your ice cream was frozen SOLID?  Did you curse your dessert, your wrist and your ice cream scooper?  Fear no more, because ice cream is no longer a formidable opponent.

Here is how you will defeat the enemy:

  • Warm the blade of a knife under hot water.
  • Cut into the ice cream, making deep cuts spaced about 1″ apart.
  • Turn the carton and do the same cuts the other direction making a grid pattern.  Re-warm the knife under hot water as needed.
  • Next, heat up your ice cream scooper the same way and scoop the ice cream.  It will come out easily!  As you get deeper into the carton, you may have to make new cuts.

This is pretty simple and fool-proof to do but you can of course click through to see this process in action.

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1 Comment

  1. Sue Adkins says:

    Put ice cream in the microwave for 15 seconds and it will be soft enough to scoop, but won’t be melted!

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