It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

She Cuts A Heart Out Of This Non-Slip Mat and Then Makes Something ADORABLE!!

I recognized the kind of non-slip mat she uses in this craft because it is the same kind  of mat that I use to line all my kitchen shelves and drawers.

I have never seen anyone craft with this stuff but when I saw what she made, I was SO IMPRESSED!

This is a simple craft that is perfect to do while you watch your favorite show.  Check it out on the next page…

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  1. Oh wow! How cute is this? VERY CUTE! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Samantha Croft we need to make one of these.

  3. Jan Fate says:

    Wish we could have heard it. Our sound was up!

  4. Omg trolls it’s a craft either do it or not. Negativity abound. Be nice treat each other with respect

  5. Jean Stimac says:

    Carrie Lynn. This would be a great rainy day craft to have around for the kids.

  6. Just bc you can, doesn’t mean you should. Lol.
    Some people have too much time I think.
    To me, it’s not even cute?!.
    Sorry to be so negative.

  7. So, can this be washed and how does the cloth stay in?

  8. Sara Neisen says:

    Tanya Richter Mrzlak

  9. Gail Moseley says:

    I originally bought it to keep the mixer from walking across the counter. And then I became a Grammie. With a large plastic needle and embroidery thread, the little twins could safely try their hands at cross stitching like their big sister does with gingham and a regular needle.

  10. Nice idea, but what would you do with it after you made it? Hang it on the wall?

  11. Kathy Hogan says:

    When ordering in a restaurant, just ask the waitress if chef would cut meat before meal is brought to the table. Normally they don’t mind helping out. I have worked with the elderly and disabled over the years. No need to embarrass anyone.

  12. Can you wash this or will it fast apart if you do ? It’s really cute.

  13. Nan Vanpelt says:

    I use these mats for so many household needs they are great !!!

  14. Would be nice if I could have seen and heard the video!

  15. Alyssa Leon says:

    Maya, we could do this for my room.?!

  16. Linda, I’m about to have to deal with hip surgery and your idea of using the non slip stuff is genius. I’m going to try it

  17. Maxine Rich says:

    Now why didn’t you think of this Ellie? Remember all the things you did and probably still doing. I was always trying to follow in your footsteps.

  18. Lindy Dare says:

    I cant find it all I see is a wood dooe

  19. Peggy Shimek says:

    Megan Marie Hazen a good project for the bigger kids this summer

  20. To open hard cut a small piece to grip lids you can’t open ,turn and the lid usually comes off !

  21. Thank you for sharing this awesome DIY craft idea , Really fun to make !!! Thank you Karleen !!!

  22. They Are Making Wreaths Out Of The Shelf Liner too.

  23. I love how some people comment when they haven’t even watched the video…criticising that it’s too small for a rug when she clearly stated in the video she was using it for a wall hanging. Smh

  24. Joyce Hawks says:

    I didn’t see but did she tie the strips?

  25. I’m going to make one…looks like fun.

  26. It can be cut into a circle 5″ round and make two. It is a great thing to use to open jars and bottles that are hard to open. I use it all the time.

  27. Cute but the volume stinks couldn’t hear it.

  28. Brilliant!
    My grandmother had Alzheimer’s but looked and felt fabulous and enjoyed going out. This is quite helpful and preserves dignity.

  29. Because it’s hideous.

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