It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

She Cuts Up A Jug And Has Herself A Handy Tool!

These days, making something from something else is pretty much the norm.  And we at WiseDIY are interested in just about anything you can upcycle in any way.

I have seem some very creative ways to reuse household items but this one is one of my faves.

Click though to see how creative this is…

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  1. Thom Avgeris says:

    I use a plastic milk jug to fill my bird feeders with seed. I just cut off the bottom and use the whole jug as a large scoop and when I take the cap off, the grain just falls into the feediing tube. I keep my bird seed in a 40 gal trash can so it is a snap to fill four feeders.

  2. I cut a slice out of the side to use when i put my shoes on. I slide the plastic in the back of the shoe, slide my foot in and no damage to my finger trying to hold the back of the shoe up Also works really good on Boots.

  3. Love it, what a great idea, THANK YOU!

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