When I first saw this I thought “this girl is crazy!” Why would anyone cut up a perfectly good bra?
Well, now I get it and she has an excellent reason. SO excellent that I will also be cutting up a perfectly good bra after I share this post with you.
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That was only the tail end of the video.
Great idea!
@[793804128:2048:Rhiannon Renee Dockter]
Thank you for lettting me know!! I fixed that!!
To keep it from shifting you can use a dual sided fashion tape.
I still only caught the last 10 seconds. Must just be me. Looks like others saw it.
Yes if you have goosebumps for breasts that will work. If you have actual bosoms, that thing will end up riding up around your neck in about 5 minutes.
Great idea!
Or you can just buy a strap that wraps around your stomach and does the same thing. À